Checking for Vehicle Accidents

At CarCheck, you can check a vehicle for accidents using the state registration number for free. VIN is not required. We search for car images on social networks and the internet, know additional distances and prices from the pictures, find taxis and accidents with the state number.

How to Protect Your Vehicle in Traffic Incidents?

Protecting your vehicle from accidents while in use is difficult but possible. Also, the body of the car is considered the most expensive part. And the most challenging part of repair - everyone who loves cars can repair the body and cannot. It's no wonder that cars that do not participate in traffic accidents are more expensive in the used car market. Fortunately, before buying a once "hit" but then restored car, a check is required for participation in a traffic incident before purchasing a car.

What is an accident check? It can easily be understood as a query for information about the car's participation in a traffic incident. Or simply, in accidents. Thus, checking a car for accidents in traffic is also called checking the car for accidents.

How to Find Out if a Car Has Been in an Accident?

All accident data is stored in the YPX database. Thus, the main car accident check is performed in this database. This information is open to everyone. For example, the official YPX website allows free checking of the car for participation in traffic accidents. But many doubt it. And not without reason: the YPX official website often works with interruptions, is unstable, queries may not go through, or may end with errors and remain unsuccessful. It is not possible to know in advance when the service will work normally or when the next error will occur. There is no guarantee that you will be able to check the car when you need to.

Refusal to check and always receiving the required result is possible during the check, if the car accident check is performed through the CarCheck service.

What is the Importance of Checking a Car for Accidents?

It has already been said that the body of the car is its most expensive part. And body repair is the most difficult and labor-intensive, requiring special equipment and appropriate skills from auto repair shops. This means that even the best service is not a guarantee of the quality of work. After the repair, the car may look like new, but what is hidden under the new paint? How much filler was used in the restoration works? How much filler was used in repaired elements? What quality materials were used for repairs? Only time can answer all these questions: it preserves the repaired places without changing them or shows all the errors and defects of the masters?

However, bad repair after a traffic accident is just one of the possible problems of a car. Poor output paintwork or painting with a mixture of dust and powder will eventually become immediately visible. But poorly prepared surfaces before painting will reveal their betrayal only a few months later. And then there will be a special regret - because the warranty for the work may last until that time. Therefore, poorly repaired body parts may eventually require their more expensive replacement (and it will certainly be more expensive - otherwise, it would be more profitable and easier to immediately replace the parts).

It may surprise many, but even good repairs do not guarantee the absence of problems in the future. Traffic accidents can bring court disputes about the causes of the accident and the guilt of its participants. If the accident occurred long enough ago, then all its legal proceedings remain in the past. But the last accident can present a surprise, for example, the affected party learning about the intention to sell the car may apply for a ban on the sale of the car until the disputes are resolved. Therefore, any last accident requires additional verification for the car's limitations or even arrest.

Advantages of Checking Vehicles for Accidents with CarCheck

The main advantage is that such a check does not depend on the operation of the YPX official website. By ordering a report from CarCheck, you can be sure of getting the result when you need it.

Another advantage is that when applying to CarCheck, it is not necessary to know the VIN number of the car being checked: unlike most official free services, the CarCheck service also works with the state number.

The CarCheck service works with more than 100 databases; accident information can only be obtained from the YPX database. This is especially important if the accident has not been officially recorded but has been reported to the insurance company. For example, a report of repair work may be the marker of a traffic accident.

Finally, the CarCheck report is easy to download and allows you to view it at any time.

Is it always necessary to check a car for accidents?

Of course not. If you fully trust the seller of the car, there is no

need to check. But this applies only if you trust the seller of the car. If the car seller is your friend, close relative, or acquaintance, then there is no need to check the car for participation in a traffic incident. But if the car seller is an unknown person to you, then you need to check the car for participation in a traffic incident.