Inspection of the Car's Customs History

It's possible to perform a free check of the car's state registration number through CarCheck, without requiring the VIN. We search for car images on social networks and the internet, and besides viewing the photo, we also know the distances and prices, and based on the state registration number, we identify taxes, accidents, and crashes.

Inspection of the Car's Customs History

The preparation of customs documents is a mandatory requirement for the legal use of any imported car within our country's territory. According to the Azerbaijani customs database, not only professional car dealers need to inspect the car but also everyone planning to buy a used car.

Car's Customs History Inspection

Inspecting the car's customs history is extremely simple and will take no more than five minutes.

Through, the inspection reveals the customs history of cars with just "one click."

With, you can perform an inspection query not only with the VIN number but also with the state registration number and the body number.

In addition to customs information, the service conducts checks in many other databases and verifies the car from two decimal points.

Thus, the inspection query on not only determines whether your car has a customs history but also provides an opportunity to learn many other useful and important pieces of information in the presented report, allowing you to thoroughly assess the risks of purchasing your desired car.